3D animation: Godot VS Unity3D

I often make my own assets despite being more of a programmer than an artist and free assets being available, because usually dont fit the aesthetic, or lack variety, etc. But this time it was extra unnecessary and still I made this bear. I had a penguin in mind at the begining because of the ice theme, but I think they are overused so decided to use a bear insted. In hindsight, I should given it a hat or glasses or some accesory so it looks less generic.

I only made two animations in blender, landing and jumping, as I dont intend to have it walk around. Importing into godot was a bit more complicated that doing so into unity, I think, The latter creates de animation assets it needs just when loading the exported file, while in godot one has to do it manually. Also, changing the animation speed is a pain in the ass. In unity that can be configured in the animation tree, but in godot one has to change the duration of the animation and select all the keyframes and "compress" them. This also aplies to all situations that animation is used in, so I guess if you want to use the same animation at two different speeds you have to import it twice. The animation tree seems to have as many possibilites as the unity3d's animator, and is similarly complex.

After a couple hours of messing around, I got the bear firing the landing animation as it touched ground, and firing the jump animation when jumping by expanding the player script.y7


mesh_bear.PNG 539 kB
Jan 20, 2024

Get Thin Ice

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