Demo available on 23rd of February!

We are adding the final touches and fixing bugs as we will be making a prototype available for everyone to play through!

This prototype/demo will have the following features:

  • Simplified combat system. Do not expect very crazy or original skills but oh boy those packlings love bashing at each other, frezzing each other, healing their packmates and modifying their stats!
  • Capturing creatures: One of the main focus of the demo is showcasing the creature acquisition process. You will be able to bait any and all packlings you encounter, which will make them stronger. If you defeat a baited packling, it will join your pack!
  • Morphing creatures: Once creatures attain certain conditions (only reaching a certain level at the moment) they will be able to morph into more powerful forms.
  • Simplified skill system: Packling learn new skills when they level up, and you may have to choose which one to discard once all your skill slots are full.
  • Only a handful of creatures available: One of the main difficulties of this kind of game is creating the creature assets, so expect only about 8-10 of them.
  • Only two environments: Environments will be very limited, with only two available and not a lot of variation on them.

Features we want to implement in the future (not availabe in the demo):

  • Extended skill system: Skills will level up and will have perks to choose from at certain levels.
  • Equipment system: Each species of packling will have a number of equipment slots depending on their physical attributes (i.e.: a biped creature with claws will have a claw enhancer slot and a biped armor slot).
  • Item system: Items will not only be equiped but also used to gain new skills, create new types of baits resulting in easier catchs, or more challenging catchs with increased stats.
  • Crafting system: All those items will be created from materials dropped from enemies.

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